The Costume

  • He is alway well presented 
  • He aways weres suits 
  • He in alway expenise suit when he is with daisy

The Props

  • He has a walking cane, but he doesnt need it just should how he is an extra ordary person
  • Yellow car it show how extraordany he is he isnt like the normal people he is diffent
  • White card was like a get out of jail free card- but reackon that it was fake and the scene where the cops comes upto them is faked and the whole thing is set up
  • Flowers he had for daisy i think it is he way of showing that he will do anything for her and give anything to her 
  • Photos fake evedence that he went to oxfoud he wants to make sure that the story is unbreakerble 

The Setting of the ‘Stage’ 

  • All the setting that he is in and that he own he make sure that they are as exstronany as He can to make himself look very rich a and he really goes over board to achieve this. Also the libary is the only real thing in his life why. Lots of his things are yellow and this shows that his life is fake and not real like yellow is fake gold

Tnd he Speech and Dialogue

  • Gatsy train heself to speek and act poshly. And it not a nateral thing he trained him self to talk like he has alot of money 

The Backstory

  • So he maded up a big story about he past that was very hard to beleive

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Hi Tamara,

Well done on getting started with this.

A couple of things you can think about in order to strengthen this work are:

1. Adding quotations to each of your answers. Find quotes from the novel that support what it is you are saying and explain how each one aligns with your ideas about the different aspects of Gatsby’s character.

2. Explain why you think some of these ideas. For example, when you say that you think the formal speech adds to his wealthy person, why does it do that? Why is being formal something that we might connect with wealth? You need to look to do this for each of your points. Expand those ideas.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Mrs. P

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